健闘を称えて・青獅子の学級 Commendable Effort (Blue Lions)
クロード: なかなかやるじゃないか、王子様。つくづく敵に回したくないもんだ。
Claude: Well done, Your Princeliness. I'm certainly not in any hurry to get on your bad side.
エーデルガルト: 貴方たちのことだから、どうせ真正面から来るものだろうと思っていたけれど……
Edelgard: I assumed you would attack us head-on.
I clearly need to rethink my opinion of you. Well done, Dimitri.
ディミトリ: それはこちらの台詞だ。どちらの学級も素晴らしい戦いぶりだった。
Dimitri: You both deserve equal praise for a battle well fought. All three houses did extremely well.
Don't you agree, Professor?
Choice 1: 黒鷲の学級が強かった The Black Eagle House was very strong. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: 勝者の余裕ね。もし次があれば、そんな顔はさせないわ。
Edelgard: Not strong enough, clearly. If there's ever a next time, know that I plan to wipe that smile from your face.
Choice 2: 金鹿の学級が強かった The Golden Deer House was very strong. (Claude ⤴)
クロード: はは、そいつは光栄だ。が、正直な話、青き獅子が一枚も二枚も上手だったよ。
Claude: It's an honor to hear that from a fighter such as yourself! But there's no getting around it. The Blue Lions were better prepared.
Choice 3: 余裕だった They were nothing. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: 先生の指揮と指導があったからこそだ。今後も修練に励まなければな。
Dimitri: It only seemed that way because of the caliber of your command. Even now, we must not allow ourselves to become complacent.
クロード: ともかく、俺はこの戦いの経験が活かされる日が来ないよう願うばかりだよ。
Claude: In any case, I hope the day never comes when we have to put this experience to use.
エーデルガルト: 私は構わないわ。いつでも受けて立つ……なんて、冗談よ。
Edelgard: I wouldn't mind. I'll accept a challenge from either of you at any time. Heh, I'm kidding, of course!
ディミトリ: はは、笑えない冗談はよせ。鷲と獅子の戦いは、もう……過去の話だ。
Dimitri: That is nothing to joke about. The true Battle of the Eagle and Lion is best left in the past.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually change the name of this mock battle.
Choice 1:そうかもしれない I hope so.
Choice 2: 仲良くやろう Let's do our best to get along.
クロード: 憎いことを言うじゃないか。……それじゃ、俺からも提案だ。
Claude: How admirable, Teach! On that note, I have a proposition.
When we get back to Garreg Mach, let's have a grand feast to bring down the walls between our respective houses.
And by a "grand" feast, I mean a fairly regular feast in the dining hall.
エーデルガルト: 貴方は本当にそういうことが好きね。まあいいわ、付き合ってあげる。
Edelgard: You really value that kind of thing, don't you? Well, I suppose no harm can come from it. Count me in.
ディミトリ: ああ、異存はない。先生も、それでいいか?
Dimitri: I have no objections either. And you, Professor?
Choice 1: 楽しみだ I'm looking forward to it.
Choice 2: 勝利の美酒を…… We'll celebrate our victory. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: いや、あのなあ……。……え、先生?
Dimitri: Oh! Well, I'm not sure that's the point... Uh, Professor? Was that...a joke?
ディミトリ: なんだ、随分と楽しそうな顔だな。俺は、先生のそういう顔が好きだよ。
Dimitri: You look so...happy. I love seeing you like this.
I suppose that look on your face is just another boon from this glorious day. Perhaps the best one of all.